Friday 3 February 2012

Random Cake Giveaway!

So Kam & I did a little promise on Facebook...

We said that if we got 100 likes on the Bitsys Crusade Facebook page we would do a random cake giveaway...

Well... we're not ones for buggering up a promise...

We pondered long and hard for 5 minutes how to make it as random as possible and decided to use good old paper & pen and Kamrun's fancy straw hat...

Kam cutting up the names to fold nicely and place in the fancy straw hat...

Me cutting up names to nicely fold up and place in the fancy straw hat...

Kam mixing up the names like a pro...

 Me, good ol' Giant Hand, picking the lucky name out of the fancy straw hat...

Kam & I proudly holding aloft the winning name.
Like when Simba was held aloft at the start of Lion King...
...Kind of.


So there you have it. Our first good deed!
We would like to express how grateful we are that any of you are liking our page! It means so much to us. Please read the updates and comment and write to us willynilly. We totally ♥ that.

Please share the page with all your facebook buddies! Spread the word...

Forgot where to find us? Heres the link for you to press again ta daaaah

Remember, we're on like 132 likes right now and we're gonna go do a give away all over your faces at 200!

♥Thanks for reading you ACE ACE people!♥

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